Driving Directions


These are side trips I recommend stopping at along the way to enhance the whole journey. I know most people using this information are just trying to find the quickest way to Black Rock City, but you are cheating yourself if you do not take time to stop at some of these places along the way.

Cougar Hot Springs
Also known as Terwilliger Hot Springs.

Crater Lake
If you have never been to Crater Lake, you really should go.

McCredie Hot Springs
McCredie Hot Springs is located East of Oakridge, OR on OR-58, before the Willamette Pass in Oregon.

Summer Lake Hot Springs
Located on OR-31 just west of Paisley, OR.

© 1998-2008 by Wally Glenn. All Rights Reserved.

Feel free to print out any of this information to help friends get to Black Rock City. Or if you use it to explore the Pacific Northwest. It's a beautiful area, go explore it. If you find the information useful, thank me, tell me some stories and buy me a frosty beverage. Hosting by GetWally