McCredie Hot Springs
McCredie Hot Springs is located East of Oakridge, OR on OR-58, before the Willamette Pass in Oregon.
The pool at McCredie is nice size and has a sandy bottom instead of rock. The water is Sulfury, shallow (chest deep sitting on your butt) and HOT HOT HOT.
There are several pools with varying temperatures. Some pools are muddy and nice. Not so muddy that you can't get out clean. Not too populated. The other three folks that were there were burners too, and sweet. Incidentally, none of us knew them or their camp, but they'd heard of sex kitchen.
Head east on OR-58 past Oakridge. Just pass mile marker 45, pull into the big parking lot.
No far, none. There could be a parking fee per car.
Web site:
Blue Pool Camp Site(nearby camp site)

Thanks to Amani Loutfy, Pope Phabulous for information.