Sometimes you just need a good laugh and here at Planet Wally, we love to deliver. So we have set up several humor categories which randomly spit up a funny joke or two. We have even worked to set them up so that you can go through the whole list without seeing the same one twice. Well, unless you really click quite a bit. Even we have limits.
Latest Additions
Insult Collection
Planet Wally now has part of our ever-growing collection of insults categorized and available for your pleasure. Use them as you need them. It's a big, stupid, dumb world out there and we need to stickl together!
Do you ever find times when you need a really great insult? I know we do here at Planet Wally. So we sat down and whipped out some really great insults for your enjoyment.
How to get rid of a one-night stand
OK, you made a huge mistake at the karoke bar and you woke up besides someone who is just coyote ugly.
Before you chew your arm off, try one of these lines instead.
Pick-up Lines
Our seedy collection of random pick-up lines. We never use them, but we have seen some of these lines work!
Random Trashy Jokes
The funniest jokes we could find. Some are offensive, but then again, lots of things in life are offensive.
The Moosecock Joke
We have determined that men find this one of the funniest jokes ever. Once told, the joke gets funnier as time goes on. Yet very few women find the joke even remotely funny.