Driving Directions

Lakeview, OR

The tallest town in Oregon.

Ah yes, lovely Lakeview, Oregon. It's the county seat for Lake County (pop. 2,500) and since it is at an elevation of 4,820 feet, it claims to be the tallest town in Oregon. It's name comes from the fact that way back when it was established in 1878, you could clearly see Goose Lake, a large body of water south of town. This is also home to Old Perpetual, a geyser located at Hunters Resort which erupts boiling water into the air about once a minute. The town also has a fondness for really tall signs featuring cowboys. Including a rather odd one at the Safeway.

The town seems pleasant enough, but the entire town is closed by 10:00 PM. At last check no gas stations are open 24 hours. However, the Chevron in Alturas, CA does take Credit/Debit cards after hours.

Burner Recommendations:

Lakeview Safeway
Nice folks run this place. Lots of Burners come through.
244 N F St, Lakeview, OR
(541) 947-2324

Stewart's Marketeria
Across the street from Safeway is a similar sized market. It has low ceilings, low prices and interesting selections. It has that pleasant feel of a non-chain store. Stop in and check it out.
119 N F St, Lakeview, OR
(541) 947-2165

Jerry's Restaurant
Burger Queen might be tempting, but Jerry's serves good food and although they seem a bit wary of Burners, they have great prices. It's right next to Stewarts and Safeway.
508 N 2nd St, Lakeview, OR
(541) 947-2600

Les Schwab Tire Center
If you have any tire questions or problems, go to Les Schwab. They have great prices, wonderful service and integrity.
422 North F St, Lakeview, OR 97630
(541) 947-3388

Map of Lakeview

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