Driving Directions

Gerlach, NV

The nearest town to Black Rock City.

Gerlach (pop. 450) has one elementary / high school, one post office, one propane distributor, one gas station, one motel, 2 bars and that's it. We cannot list much in the way of information because there is hardly anything there. Burning Man maintains an office in town. The nearest grocery store is in Empire, which is 7 miles south of Gerlach.


The gas station is on the south end of town with an additional gas station located in Empire. The gasoline prices are typically higher than anything you will be expecting. If you need to gas up for your return journey North, we recommend you gas up before you hit Black Rock City. The reason is that lines at the two pump gas station on the Sunday or Monday after the burn can be 30 minutes or longer.

If you plan on eating, Bruno's Country Club is the only restaurant within 90 miles. Bruno closes his doors promptly at 8:30 and if you are late, too bad. His bar is open as late as there are patrons, but he doesn't serve food in the bar. Next door is The Miners Club. It is a very nice place to spend time as well.

Mini-Yellow Pages

Bruno's Country Club & Motel
445 Main Street, Gerlach, NV
(775) 557-2220

Bruno's Texaco
565 Main Street, Gerlach, NV
(775) 557-2272

Granite Propane
480 Aspen Way, Gerlach, NV
(775) 557-2361

US Post Office
345 E Sunset BLVD, Gerlach, NV
(775) 557-2333

Miner's Club
4-- Main Street, Gerlach, NV

Planet X Pottery
8100 Highway 447, Gerlach, NV
(775) 557-2500

Map of Gerlach
Gerlach, NV

© 1998-2008 by Wally Glenn. All Rights Reserved.

Feel free to print out any of this information to help friends get to Black Rock City. Or if you use it to explore the Pacific Northwest. It's a beautiful area, go explore it. If you find the information useful, thank me, tell me some stories and buy me a frosty beverage. Hosting by GetWally