Driving Directions

Empire, NV

The only store between Cedarville and Nixon.

Empire (pop. Tiny) truly is a company town. US Gypsum, owns the entire town. It exists to house the workers at the factory, which produces around 80% of the gypsum board (drywall) in the US.

photo by Taz.

The only real reason to visit Empire is for the store. It is the only store within 50 miles and is an official retail outlet for Burning Man merchandise.

Well there is a 9 hole golf course, but I have never been able to find out what the green fees run.

Mini-Yellow Pages

Empire Store & Gas
61505 Highway 447, Empire, NV
(775) 557-2311

Black Rock Mini-Storage
61605 Highway 447, Empire, NV
5x10x9 storage runs $300/yr.
(775) 557-2608

Google Map of Empire

© 1998-2008 by Wally Glenn. All Rights Reserved.

Feel free to print out any of this information to help friends get to Black Rock City. Or if you use it to explore the Pacific Northwest. It's a beautiful area, go explore it. If you find the information useful, thank me, tell me some stories and buy me a frosty beverage. Hosting by GetWally