Driving Directions

Eagleville, CA

It's lovely and technically, it's a town.

15 miles south of Cedarville, you will pass through the town of Eagleville. It is a nice, quiet town where it's past seems to have been it's highpoint. The only thing left is a post office, a very small store, a graveyard and a few buildings that could have been storefronts at one time, but now look very closed. It is has a nice, quiet overgrown feeling to it.

I have never been to the store due to my hours and it's hours never really syncing up, but if someone stops by, give me a trip report.


This is the last town of any sort you will pass through until Gerlach, some 75 miles to the south. Other than a few houses south of town, and a few near Gerlach, there is no signs of human activity. Just a windy, dangerous, undermaintained roads cutting through some beautiful, but very arid country.

Burner Recommendations:

Stop and enjoy the peace.

Google Map of Eagleville

© 1998-2008 by Wally Glenn. All Rights Reserved.

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