Planet Wally  

Wide World of Pranks: Rant

Revenge Through Christmas Presents

Sometimes the best way to prank someone is to let their kids do the dirty work for you.

An ancient chinese proverb that reads, "If thine enemy wrong thee, buy each of his children a drum." And thats what you are going to do, buy their kids a drum.

Do you have a sibling that slighted you? Do you have a coworker that has annoyed you? Is there a neighbor you really hate? We have an entire Web site dedicated to helping you with a little revenge. But when it comes to Christmas, you have a unique ability to get your mark with a little finesse. You get to exact some revenge by making their kids happy and driving them nuts.

Find the loudest toys you can get your hands on. You want to concentrate on anything that flashes or has an obnoxious noise. Next, supply it with the longest life batteries you can find. Put them in the toy, super-glue the battery in place, then break off the power switch. Wrap the gift and hand it to your mark. Or leave it on their car, their doorstep addressed to the loving kids, care of Santa.

You can go low tech with this prank and go for whistles, drums, horns, bells, cymbals, anything that is loud and annoying. On Christmas Day the kids will be banging, blowing, shooting or crackling up a storm and your marks nerves will be shot.

Oh what a warm feeling that is!

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