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Call Before You Dig

April 20, 2006

This bulldozer operator is having a bad day.

call before you dig
I took this photo on the 6400 block of Christie Way in Emeryville, California. The bulldozer operator sliced through a water main. He got really pissed off when he saw me taking pictures. First he asked me if I was taking pictures. I kept clicking away and I told him I wasn't. Then he told me to stop because I didn't have any right to take them. I agreed I didn't have permission and continued to snap away.

The local water utility came out to shut off the water, but they were delayed for hours because someone in the road department paved over the water shut-off, so nobody could get to it or find it.
Call Before You Dig
Actually the bulldozer guy had a bad week last week as well. He accidentally sliced through the main fiber communications and phone lines for the area. All the calls had to be routed through Reno until SBC could come out and fix each individual strand of fiber.

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