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Pranks at Home & a Dorm

Garbage can full of water

Take a garbage can, the larger and stinkier, the better. Unless you can queitly move a 30 gallon can full of water, it's best to stick with one kitchen sized.

The can should be half full of garbage.

Fill the rest of the can with water.

Lean it against a door that opens in. The can should be leaning at about a 15 degree angle. You get some good stability by resting it between the door and the door jam. Either side of the door works.

Some people knock or ring the bell and run. Some just sneak away and wait to hear the results later, but the end result is the same. The person opens the door, the can falls in and garbage aided by water comes crashing into the dwelling.

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The pranks listed here are for informational purposes only. We do not really advise you to pull any stunts at work other than punching in at the old time clock and doing a hard days work.