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Pranks at Home & a Dorm

Carrot seeds in the lawn

Go to your local home and garden center and load up on carrot seeds. Then when the coast is clear, sprinkle the seeds on the lawn of your intended victim. I always feel a smiley face beats spelling out, "BUTTHEAD", but I'll leave it to you to decide how mean you want to be.

At first nothing will happen. The seeds need to germinate. Then come springtime or if it is summertime, a few weeks after sprinkling, the seeds will start to grow. The carrots are a different shade of green than the grass and they have a different shape of leaf so they really stand out.

The best thing is that you cannot sprinkle weed killer on the carrots because the only weed killers that work on a lawn are for broad leaf plants and carrots are narrow leaf. The only way to get rid of them is to pick them one by one.

The good news is that once they pick them, your victim ends up with a tasty snack, so not all is bad.

Some other suggested patterns are: CLASS OF [FILL IN YEAR], a school logo, motto, a company logo, a competitors logo or a crop circle.

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The pranks listed here are for informational purposes only. We do not really advise you to pull any stunts at work other than punching in at the old time clock and doing a hard days work.