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Seattle Comic Times
Welcome to Planet Wally

Pranks at Home & a Dorm

Ivory soap in the shower

Go to your bathroom and unscrew the shower head. Use a 9" Crescent wrench to loosen the shower head.

Trim bits of Ivory soap and stick them into the shower pipe leading into the wall. Add as much as you can.

Screw the shower head back in place and wait for the next person to shower. You may want to use teflon tape to keep it from leaking.

Most people will turn on the shower and wait until the temperature is correct before they get in. They will come up with quite a surprise when they see they have a tub or stall full of bubbles.

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The pranks listed here are for informational purposes only. We do not really advise you to pull any stunts at work other than punching in at the old time clock and doing a hard days work.