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WSF Logos and Signs

Foam Applicator Nozzle
Armless Bicycle Logo
Baby Changing Table
Ferry Coffee Machines
Fire Axe

An actual sign
This is an actual sign!

Foam Applicator Nozzle

I want to high five the person that actually got this sign approved and installed on a ferry. I hesitate to name the ferry because I do not want to see the sign disappear. It should serve as a testiment that a crafty person can pull the wool over the eyes of the system.

Obviously the sign could be construed as being for fire supression, but lets face it, there are far more descriptive ways of wording that sign, but none that are better if you are a prankster at heart.

Armless Bicycle Logo

where are the arms?

The foam applicator sign shows the best in pranks in the same way the sign for where to place your bikes is just plain bizzare. Take a look at the logo on the right. That is supposed to indicate a bicycle with a rider. Thats right, an icon of a man with no forearms, or feet floating above two circles is supposed to indicate a bicycle and rider.

Would it really have been that much trouble to make the stencil a little bigger and add in a representational body? Is black spray paint that big of an expense that you cannot add handlebars?

I wonder what the creator of this logo is drinking in the morning. If it is the hot chocolate out of the vending machines, I would strongly suggest laying off the coffee if you are ever on a Washington State Ferry.

Baby Changing Table

Mens Room

There is something very wrong with the sign on the right. Very wrong. This is proof once again that you can get away with murder if you make signs for the Washington State Ferry Fleet.

Take a close look at the sign on the right. You can find this sign proudly displayed on the M/V Tacoma, M/V Puyallup, and the M/V Wenatchee. It may be on other boats as well. The same sign can be found at the Woodlawn Park Zoo, so it might be a common Washington State sign.

At first glance it seems perfectly normal sign to indicate this is a bathroom, or in ship lingo, a head for men. You have the international symbol for Man, which indicates this is a mens bathroom. The Wheelchair is an international symbol to indicate the Mens room is handicap accessible and then you have a sign indicating a baby changing table. They even go so far as to put the braille for "Men" on the sign as well.

Lets take another look at that sign. Specifically, the baby changing table part.

Molesting station

molesting station??

The way the person is standing and leaning over the baby indicates only one thing, this is a pediphile station.

That is simply not a natural pose for changing diapers! You really do not want to get in front of the business end on one of those human drool dispensers because they can and will aim and fire!

Any smart parent will be standing to the side where you can unfasten the diaper, roll the kid, place a new diaper down, wipe up any mess, snap them in place and hope to heck you can find a nice dumpster to dump the guacamole.

Ferry Coffee Machines

coffee beans?
That's supposed to be coffee beans on the left

People dearly love coffee in Seattle, so it comes as no suprise that nearly every Washington State Ferry has a coin operated coffee machine. The surprise is what they dispense!

All of the coffee dispensers on the Washington State Ferries have a little window shows what is supposed to be the coffee beans before they are ground into your coffee. That's the visual connection I think they were going for when they thought up the idea. It turns out to be a very bad mistake.

On the right we see coffee beans and they look fairly decent. But on the left side we have this non-descript crap. I don't know about you, but when I order a hot chocolate I do not want to have it made out of something that looks like ground up dirty tiles of linoleum, which might explain quite a bit the taste of the hot chocolate coming out of the machines.

Another peculiar thing is that the temperature for the liquid is set so high that I am only slightly shocked the liquid doesn't come out in the form of a jet of steam instead of sugar, linoleum and water.

Fire Axes

In case of emergency, break plastic

Road rage is on the rise on our highways, our airports and even the Washington State Ferries. So is it a really good idea to make a sharp axe like this easily available on a ship?

The axe in question was found on the M/V Tacoma. A similar axe may be found on the M/V Wenatchee and the M/V Puyallup. The axe is conveniently located in the cafeteria seating area.

I undertstand tha you could use the axe to hack something in a fire, but the these ferries are all metal. There are no wooden doors. What are you supposed to do, use the axe to hack your way through the crowd to the lifeboats?

Gallery of the Stupid

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